Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Warren Kinsella a closet conservative

It's true!

How else do you explain that the study he writes about that determined that whiny, insecure, narrow-minded, thin-skinned little kids grow up to be whiny, insecure, narrow-minded, thin-skinned, politically conservative adults. Kinsella MUST be a conservative -- he fits that description to a 'T'.

Warren manages to act all smug and self-righteous just like a true liberal . . . he even gets all giggly and tingly when he thinks he's done a *gotcha* just like liberals do. He's all bitter about his team's losses, picking at the scabs, looking for blame all over the place and all negative about any idea that doesn't emanate from his side in a way that would make any liberal proud. He mocks and ridicules those who are not in line with his world view, like any card carrying Liberal would.

Nope. It appears that study he cites must be skewed. Warren Kinsella is a liberal.


Anonymous said...

Warren is an idiot. The reason I don't waste my money on any SUN products.

canadianna said...

There's so much more to the SUN than Warren, and I like the fact that they allow a liberal voice. It's just too bad that his is the liberal voice they've chosen to print. That said, he gets read and he gets people riled and I guess that's the point.

Joseph said...

I also noticed that he closed that column with an admission that there are a majority of conservatives in this country.

David said...

David Aiken is the pinko liberal voice on Sun TV. They should let Kinsella go. He wasn't that bad in 'Ghostbusters' opposite Dan Akroyd and Rick Moranis.