Sunday, July 10, 2011

Liberal voters too stupid to think: Warren Kinsella

Kinsella is picking scabs again and we've been warned: when the Liberals lose again in 2015 -- don't blame them -- it'll be the fault of the anti-democratic, mind controlling, subliminal suggesting of Stephen Harper and his pesky Conservative ad campaign. Trust Warren. He knows. He remembers.

Back in 2006, when Conservative ads confirmed what Canadians already knew, that Stephane Dion was NOT a leader --- did you know those Conservative ads suppressed the compelling urge of almost a million Liberal voters to go to the polls? Damn those Conservatives. How dare they point out the obvious and use it as part of their advertising message?

The Liberals of course would never stoop to the level of negative ads. But then again, maybe they didn't have to. Everyone knew that Stephen Harper had a secret agenda, and that a fundamental Christian leader like Stockwell Day must be an idiot, but not because of any ad campaign. While the Conservatives paid real money to put across their ideas to the voters, the Liberals had the media. Kinsella was being interviewed on CTV's morning show when he famously said:
'Mr. Day has said . . . that dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.' As he produced a Barney the dinosaur plush toy, Kinsella went on . . . 'I just want to say to Mr. Day that the Flintstones were not a documentary -- and the only dinosaur that walked with human beings recently was this one.'
And in 2005 when prominent Liberals were still scrambling to keep Paul Martin on top of the Liberal heap, they started the *Stephen Harper secret agenda* game. All they had to do was say those words and the media (which Kinsella has recently suggested is heavily conservative) picked up the Liberal accusations and sneers and ran with them.

Yes Warren, those two clever strategies should have you in the Spinner's Hall of Fame, but you know what? You can't live on past glory. Well, maybe YOU can because the SUN keeps giving you a voice, but face facts
Warren, if the Liberals lose again in 2015, it'll be because people like you have nothing fresh to talk about. Where's your vision? Where are your ideas? So long as your mind is preoccupied, blaming everyone else for your own miserable failures, you'll never be able to kick off the dust and move on.

If Liberal voters choose not to come to the polls, it isn't because the Conservatives have suppressed their voting urge, it's because you Liberals have failed to motivate them.



fernstalbert said...

Perhaps when confronted with "stupid pet tricks", Liberal voters roll over and play dead. Or better yet, do not respond to the Pavlovian conditioning bell. lol Cheers.

Jack said...

I was quite taken with your reference to Kinsella's putdown of Stockwell Day and the "dinosaur" brewhaha.

I don't suppose it's fair this late in the game to point out to Kinsella that Day was quite correct in what he said at the time.

We still do walk with dinosaurs only today we call them "tweety birds", alligators, turtles and great white sharks to name only a few of the species that have survived for many millions of years. They've changed a bit over time but not that much.

Better late than never I guess to yank the jerk up short.

Good entry. I have this one bookmarked and in the days ahead I'll see if I can drive a few hits your way.


dmorris said...

I'm still hiding under the bed from the "Soldiers in our Streets" commercial the Liberals did way back when!

Though that was merely blatant fear-mongering,and NOT voter suppression.

And the Dion as leader ads certainly swayed me from ANY idea I might have harbored about voting for Mr.Peepers.

Yes, like all Canadians, I vote for the Party whose campaign ad was the last one I saw.

Kinsella is SO condescending. In his brilliant mind,we're all just a bunch of retarded children ready to be led in any direction.

Frances said...

Read his column in today's "Sun" and all I could think of were the many attack ads the Liberals put out against Mr Harper and the Conservatives. The 'guns in our streets' one was the most extreme; but the Liberals - and Mr Kinsella was definitely one of them at that time - were vicious in their attacks.

Anonymous said...

I haven't spent a nickel on the Toronto Sun since they hired Kinsella. As bad a hire as that twit Margolis and Sheila Copps.

Anonymous said...

The "Liberal" voter (whatever that is) didn't stay home; They voted Conservative or NDP this time.

Voter turnout was low but this is a worldwide trend.It has nothing to do with campaign styles or strategies.

A better explanation is the power of the internet and polling. Information is easily obtained any time, anywhere by anybody. Outcomes can often seem (they often are) academic.

The day before the election Kinsella declared Harper a "loser"...'Nuf said.

Anonymous said...

Kinsella never met a straw man he could not beat!