Thursday, March 28, 2019

Who's sorry now

So he said it. For once in his life, Justin Trudeau said 'sorry' for something he did.

This apology came swiftly and almost seemed real -- but here's why I'm not impressed:

It was at that $1,500 per person fundraiser where Justin Trudeau was at his most authentic.

This wouldn't have happened at a townhall -- he'd have known it was public. But there, with his fellow Laurentian elites, Trudeau was in his element and he played to them. This is who he really is -- this is his comfort zone. He rose to their laughter and struck again, and again. These are his people. He was at home, and enjoying the mirth of the crowd as he dismissed this young woman and her pedestrian concerns.

Had the whole thing not been filmed, he'd have never spared an ounce of 'sorry' on her.

In that moment, it didn't occur to him that someone who spent $1,500 to be there  must have been very serious about their concerns.

But what's $1,500 to a Trudeau or his fellow well-heeled Liberals. Chump change.

The Liberal Party, its members, its MPs --  should start really thinking about whether they want to be associated with this kind of bozo eruption.


PM for who?

He's shown often, that he is the Prime Minister for Liberals -- and not all Liberals -- Liberals who agree with him. His contempt for his own MPs and fellow liberals when they don't fall into line with Trudeau-think is well known. Don't dare even try to run for the party if you have any reservations about abortion whatsoever. You're not allowed. You must think along party lines -- Fine - anyone who wants to belong to a party like that - your issue. You march in-step if that's your thing.

But what about the rest of us -- or more importantly, the least of us? The MOST vulnerable people in Canadian society are those living on reserves. Their issues are life and death, every single day. And government after government has failed them.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to change the way we deal with First Nations issues. He sure has. Never have I seen a Canadian Prime Minister treat someone with a genuine, legitimate concern with such utter derision. Listen to the following clip from Free Grassy on Twitter, where someone asks her Prime Minister why nothing has been done in over 500 days, to remedy the problem of mercury in the water in Grassy Narrows:

She says: people from Grassy Narrows are suffering from mercury poisoning and you committed...

He says: Thank you for being here tonight. Thank you for your donation.

OMFG. The disrespect... the disregard... the distain. The utter lack of empathy. HOW is this man our Prime Minister???

She paid $1500 for the opportunity to raise her concern - look what she got in return.

She does not deserve this man as Prime Minister. None of us do.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Justin has jumped the shark

Like with most things, a sincere acceptance of culpability and an apology likely would have washed the SNC-Lavalin scandal away.

People like moments when other people genuinely admit their humanity: "I made a mistake."

Justin Trudeau doesn't know how to do that. We've all noted that he is an ace at apologizing for the wrongs of others, the problem is, he has no ability to see wrongs committed my himself.

Whether it was his upbringing, or whether its a character flaw, Justin Trudeau believes Justin Trudeau is always right, otherwise, actor that he is, he'd have been able to feign a competent enough sorry to pass. But Justin's attitude seems to have been -- why should I? and instead he's spent the better part of two months blaming and vilifying others.

Well, it's too late for sorry now. Even his boldest supporters have to see what he is, and if they want to soil themselves and keep him afloat, so be it, but I think even average Canadians are shocked at his utter disregard for the law and for us.

Attempts to paint people as racist or homophobic aren't going to float this time around, because they're aimed at all of us this time -- because all of us see through his charade of 'nice'. He never was nice. He could seem nice because he was rarely challenged and he lives a life of absolute unmitigated privilege. Anyone could seem nice if they never had to work or worry. He doesn't understand real-life stress - and now that he's facing some challenges - he's made some very suspect decisions.

I've never been a fan of Justin Trudeau, but it bothers me how easily he waltzed in, charmed the world and decided he could do all the wrong things because he was just so sure that he had all the right reasons.

It was too easy for him to take the helm of this country when he'd never done a serious thing in his life. And he still doesn't see that it's time for him to go. He's still trying to find ways to blame everyone else. I used to hope he was trounced come election time, but he's doing so much damage, I hope for once in his life he does the right thing and resigns.

Angry Liberals have to start aiming their venom in the right direction.
