Friday, January 06, 2006

What choice, Mr. Martin?

The Liberal's other new tv ad 'Choices' features Ujjal Dosanjh slamming Jack Layton for saying he'd work with Harper (which we all know isn't quite the case -- but anyway). In it he says:

"You either believe in universal health care, or you don't.
You either defend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or you don't.
You either keep Canada out of Iraq, or you don't.
You either want a Harper government, or you don't."

When asked about the two new ads, Dosanjh said that the Liberals were trying to define the ballot question as one of Canadian values:

"We stand for the state," said Dosanjh. "The state can do good in people's lives. Mr. Harper doesn't (believe that)."
I suppose the multi-billion dollar ballot question is -- who decides what role the state should play in people's lives?

Dosanjh represents a government that 'stands for the state' and myopically refuses to concede that individual choice should determine when the government will have a place in the lives of its citizens.

As it stands in this free country, we are not allowed to choose to pay for our own health care. This universal institution is not something we can choose to opt out of if we feel it is not meeting our expectations -- let alone some arbitrary bureaucratic expectations determined by the provinces.

And now the Liberal's new universal child care plan -- 'the first new social programme in 40 years.' It's another social programme that begins with a mandate to be of assistance to families and will become so entrenched in our psyche, that to consider using a childcare arrangement outside of the state purview will be deemed unCanadian.

Paul Martin criticises Harper for a 'fend for yourself' approach to social issues. He's got it wrong. Harper's is a 'decide for yourself' approach. Social safety nets are supposed to support you, not ensnare you. They should be there if you need them, should you choose to use them. They shouldn't be imposed by the state on its citizens.

Dosanjh has confirmed that the Liberals 'stand for the state'. And while they are standing for the state, standing for themselves, it is inconceivable to him that we, the citizens might have something to say about how close they stand to us.

You either believe in freedom, or you don't.



Lemon said...

Neil Macdonald came up with a story that the Tories are going to increase personal tax rates in their first budget.
Macdonald is largely a discredited journalist for the scandalous stories that slagged Israel in the last couple of years.
He has no credibility and frankly, should have been fired (like Terry Milewski was a couple of years ago by challenged Chretien).
This story assumes 2 things, 1/ that the Tories are gonna win and 2/ that they have already completed a budget for April after they're elected.
Please pick up on this story and run with it.

Candace said...

Damn, you're good. That was eloquent, as always.

Anonymous said...

On healthcare PMPM yesterday said this yesterday. Paraphrased. In 1968 Paul Martin Sr. said to one of the leaders or senior members of NDP, what will we do about healthcare? This is when healthcare became law. I don't know the other man said. But I'll tell you what, why don't we give people $25 a week to help them pay for their medical expenses, (A clear shot at Harper and his child
care program). By the way Harper re-visited that today. So for that,
I say this. Healthcare and child care are two different things. One requires several different places and expertise. It involves infastructure, education, and it affects everyone. Their health. There is so much involved including technology, it has an impact on every gov't department.
Child care involves parents. It already has infastructure. And experts which are parents. Parents do not have to go to school, they already have a home, they can even provide home schooling. Maybe all they really need is funding. So PMPM has got it wrong, again.

Mark said...

Excellent post, as usual.

The main issue with the Liberal ad is that the Libs are duplicitous on each and every item it mentions.

On child care in particular, I wonder if the conservatives can jam together an ad that cites numerous studies which indicate only 25% of Canadians have access to and use day care centres? See here.

(Apologies, CA, for linking to one of my posts through your comments section.)

SleepsOnGrates said...

You've summed it up exactly.

The Librano justification for their corruption follows: the state is good, I did it for the state, therefore, what I did is good.

TheTorontoTory said...

Excellent Blog! Come join the Tories in Toronto blogroll and help show Canada that not everyone in Toronto is a kook!

Sara said...

{I say this. Healthcare and child care are two different things. One requires several different places and expertise. It involves infastructure, education, and it affects everyone.}

The Liberals disagree, they believe 7 hours for emergency is a regular waiting time for a hospital and a 2 year waiting list for daycare is just grand. They are treating institutionalized daycare and health care the same way. Both of them have been badly managed by so called professionals that the Liberals put into place. I'd like to know how a University graduate with no children can tell me a mom of 10 years and 5 years before babysitting how to early childhood educate my own children? I got 3 kids how the hell am I going to afford to work and pay $1800 a month for institutionalized daycare?
The Liberals are throwing billions into creating more spaces, they are not doing anything to lower the cost of daycare. Harper is trying to get business's to create daycares and I can guarentee you they won't charge $10,000 a year to put your kids in.

Canadian Sentinel said...

I agree with all that you said in your latest post, Canadianna.

The Liberals are apparently once again trying via ad hominem to paint the Conservatives as something they definitely aren't. The truth is that most people already fend for themselves, yet the Liberals make it harder and harder to do so. Gone are the days when a university degree guaranteed a high-paying career. Gone are the days of job security. Gone are all the economic opportunities available to qualified persons who prepared for a financially rewarding career so they wouldn't have to depend on the state or on family or on someone they live with.

Thanks to the Chretien/Martin Liberals, today there are fewer and fewer decent-paying employment opportunities than before they came to power. We've become more and more a nation of folks who work long hours at McDonalds, WalMart and Tim Hortons or at call centers (or am I just talking about the Maritimes, where I personally operate a small local factory serving a small local economy?)

Mediocre Medicare comparable to the state-run systems of North Korea and Cuba, the only other nations on the planet (butcherous communist dictatorships, to boot!) with pure socialized medicine (although Paulie M. uses private health care himself... interesting it's available in his riding but not in mine, isn't it?).

Now the Liberals want to expand daycare and probably even statify it and ban privately-run daycare facilities if reelected, denying Canadians even more choice. They know that with more lower-paying jobs than ever (and still very high taxes), more and more two-parent families see both parents working full time just to make ends meet. Then they'll be expected to drop their kids off with a state agency to be raised the way the Liberals deem (can you imagine the possibility of, by requirement of law, teaching preschoolers in state-operated daycares about various sexual practices in a valueless, anything-you-feel-like-is-fine-don't-worry-about-consequences environment?)

Next, the Liberals, in a desperate attempt to meet extreme Kyoto Accord targets, will perhaps issue state-manufactured bicycles and electric single-passenger vehicles, having abolished the private sector auto industry? Ok, it's farfetched, but so was SSM only a few years ago, when the Liberals themselves rejected it.

All of this stuff is in line with the Liberals' preference to make more and more people dependent on them and vote for them.

Of course, such a system would be unsustainable and would result in Canada ending up like the former USSR, which broke up and really isn't a great place to live at all. Do we want to go there in Canada?

Not that Liberals care. They're mostly too old to live long enough to see and suffer from the consequences of their actions. All they want is to exploit Canada for their own sybaritic gratification and that of family and cronies.

We must reject the Liberals. For the sake of the future of Canada.

Say no to communism and fascism. Don't vote Liberal.

Justthinkin said...

Where to start.
"ndp nadine said...
My problem with the Conservatives is their American approach to everything." American? Since when is punishing criminals, being honest,returning money to taxpayers, etc an "American" value? Guess this shows where the NDP stands on values.

"Martin and his Liberals are Conservative-light but he's right when the Tories want a fend-for-yourself Canada, which is not what most Canadians want." Ah yes. The values of somebody who won't and can't stand up and fend for themselves. Stuck on Mommy's tit for their whole life, just like the spoiled, little kids they are.

"Canadians support publically-funded health care and day care, support equality and Kyoto, oppose unjust wars and deep integration into the US." Oh yeah. I support 8 hour line-ups in the emergency room, and I really support equality for one group, at the expense of all others. So you wanted Madman saddam to reign on forever? More proof of the sick leftie mind set. Oh. And there's that "evil" U.S. thing again. Pretty sad when you have nothing of any worth in your own country to stand up for, except Yank bashing.

As for your next paragraph, who supports tax cuts for industry, which creates more jobs? Yup. The CPC. Certainly not Bend-over Jack. And here's a little hint for you, nadine. That balanced budget and surplus? It's called OVERTAXATION, which is why most families have to work two jobs to bring in one salary. You like 43% stolen of your paycheck? Fine. Move to Switzerland. Or Cuba. There's a socialist country you should adore.

"To be fair, I will say the Tories and Harper are more honest and principled than Martin's Liberals. But it has been made crystal clear that only the NDP will get results for Canadians and truly stand up for Canada." And just what are these results? Holding up a non-confidence vote by siding with the Liberals? Opposing tax-cuts? Unionizing everything? Supporting "kiddie gilags"?
Yes. The Tories are more honest then the Liberals, but then a monkey is smarter than an ameoba. BTW. North Korea is looking for your type, nadine.

MarkCh said...

"You either believe in freedom, or you don't". That's true. That's what still has me worried about this election. But I live in Toronto.

Anonymous said...

"I am the state"

Babbling Brooks said...

"Social safety nets are supposed to support you, not ensnare you."

What a brilliant way to put it. Well said.

bob said...

C, the CPC should hire you as a speechwriter or something. Or the MSM should hire you (at a 6-figure salary, of course) to be a columnist and translate conservative (note the small c) thought, which most within that enclave are incapable of understanding.