Monday, June 06, 2005

Standing Orders Don't Apply

Prior to Question Period, the Speaker of the House read a brief statement, advising that the Ethics Commissioner was investigating the recent goings on between the Member from North Delta and the Minister of Health. Mr. Speaker asked that all members of the House refrain from questions pertaining this during the on-going investigation. The Speaker insisted that he would be vigorously enforcing this mor

Gilles Duceppe and other members of the Bloc asked several questions -- not directly to do with the tapes, but rather about Tim Murphy. Duceppe repeated the question more than once. He said that the Prime Minister had said in the House that no deal was ever offered, but that a deal was sought, and did the PM's Chief of Staff inform him that a crime was being committed, and why did the Prime Minister not call the RCMP.

705Tory talks about Question Period too, and quotes some of the answers given to this line of questioning. All of the answers had to do with the tape being altered -- never 'allegedly altered' -- and nothing to do with the questions Duceppe asked.

Not once did the Speaker intercede and tell the Liberals to stop referring to the tapes. Several times Duceppe told the Liberals he was not asking about the tape, but about statements made by the PM and other Ministers in the House last week. As their defense against the tapes, they had used accusations that Grewal was trying to sell his vote. Even the Prime Minister said that more than once. Duceppe only wanted an answer as to why they did not report this criminal activity. They answered by attacking the tape.

The Speaker abdicated his responsibilities today and allowed the Liberals to freely pass opinion on the authenticity of the tapes, based on the Globe & Mail's 'expert' analysis. Read Angry in the Great White North for details about this.

By now, with Grewal apparently self-destructing, it is likely that the tape issue will be dropped and nothing come of it. The real tragedy about this is that with each subsequent scandal, and each ensuing shrug from the media and the public, the Liberals get bolder and more aggressive. It's no longer even necessary for them to hide their dirty deeds because people seem quite willing to look the other way.



bob said...

You really expected they would apply?
Oh, by the way, TAG (stop by my latest post for an explanation)!

A Dog Named Kyoto said...

The Libranos act as if they have immunity. They have been in full assault mode against Grewal ever since he had the nerve to expose them.

Incriminating evidence on tapes? No problem - just say the tapes were doctored - and get some phoney experts to back up your claims. Everyone will forget the real issue.

I suspect the Gurmant Grewal is the victim of an immense liberal smear campaign. His latest "crime" is to have asked someone to carry a package to Ottawa for him. Wow, isn't that treason or something?

All this is deflection from the main issue: this government is so desperate to survive, that it is willing to offer illegal bribes to opposition MPs to secure their votes.

But the really scary part is just as you say, "people seem quite willing to look the other way."

Linda said...

Re: "people looking the other way":

I recently came across this quote (author apparently unknown,)and I think it perfectly describes where we're at today:

"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."

The 'clientism' encouraged by the welfare-state encourages apathy and a victim/entitlement mentality, making for a society ripe to degenerate into self-imposed tyranny.

Oliver said...

I pity poor Gurmant, and wish him well. This has been truly disgusting what they have done to him. There is no excuse for it.

I'll bet he is kicking himself about bringing his wife into politics now. Ugh.