Thursday, July 07, 2005


There are those who will blame Tony Blair and the UK foreign policy for the attacks on London, but given the history of Britain when faced with adversity, terrorists couldn't be expecting the British to back down. Perhaps they are all suicidal and were hoping to galvanise Britain's resolve.

On a talk show today I heard someone using the 'root causes' defence. You know the drill . . . 'terrorism is a product of poverty . . . of a marginalized population . . . of the west's greed --- if any of these were reasons that terrorists attack, it would be angry young sub-Saharan Africans blowing things up, but it isn't.

Here in Toronto, TTC Chair Howard Moscoe dismissed concerns that Canada could be a target in terror attacks, saying that 'we don't have troops to pull out of Iraq' and 'first the terrorist would have to find us on a map.'

We do have troops in Iraq, and civilians working on the rebuilding effort. We also have troops in Afghanistan -- and a couple of our sharp-shooters are credited with taking out some important members of al-Qaeda.

His glib response is boorish. Why is it they say Toronto is a 'world class city' when they want the Olympics, but that terrorists couldn't find us when are trying to downplay the threat that exists to all civilised nations?

I doubt Toronto will be a target any time soon, but I wonder if that has more to do with our immigration policies than our foreign policy.

Angry has an interesting perspective on today's tragedy.

Prayers and all that to the people of Britain, but nothing is never enough at a time like this.



Linda said...

And to add insult to grievous injury and carnage, I fear that this latest horror will have absolutely no effect on the Lib's current policies toward terrorism - a few official condolences and it will be back to blaming the 'usual suspects' you've pointed out, C. We are ill-served, to put it mildly, by their complete lack of historical perspective.

Martin said...


Canada has Muslims.

Of course it could happen to you.

Nicol DuMoulin said...

The most ironic thing is that apparently Canada is number five on Al Qaeda's list because we are a 'Christian nation'. That one gave me a big laugh.

Ironically enough, I even talked to a few Torontonians today who insisted that they didn't mean to kill anyone...only to send a message about the wrong of Iraq. Sheesh. I really do worry for this country.

Good post.

The Exile said...

My condolences to you for having to live in Toronto.

The root cause of terrorism is really very simple: It's a holy war. We really need to understand that.

The evil "Crusades" that the Left so likes to disparage were only a reaction to Muslims trying to take over the world 500 years ago.

Our world has moved on and become "enlightened". Theirs has not. They want the same thing now that they did 500 years ago.

They're betting that we don't have the guts for another crusade. Unfortunately, I, too wonder.

These terrorists only attack countries or people that they believe are conspiring with the Western Christian/Jewish cultures.

They said so just the other day when they beheaded the Egyptian diplomat to Iraq for legitimizing the freely elected government there.

They live in the 8th century, and they like it that way.

Paul said...

The root causes of terrorism are one thing; what about the root causes of it's continued existance? It is countries like Canada, with her enemic response? that assist terrorists. Were we to genuinely stand shoulder to shoulder with all Western Countries, and all of us went on the offense, we'd win.

Islamo fascists have to be fought militarily where they are; they need to be fought socially at home by being shut out of immigration and complete intolerance of their doctrins, they need to be fought with hard results based economic strategies, and they need to be fought by true leaders and visionaries. Canada, except in her effort in Afghanistan, falls far short of being part of the solution, and is in fact as much a part of the problem. Any guess as to how many Jihadists are quietly biding their time in our cities, waiting to cross over to the USA and wreak death and destruction?

The Mayor said...

We won't be attacked because it certainly isn't in the interest of terrorists to attack us.

Why attack when you can recruit, train and raise money for your I've said before, a dog does't crap where it sleeps.

49erDweet said...

This response is late due to other causes, but IMHO if the infrastructure of downtown Toronto or Montreal aren't attacked - or at least the object of strong attempts - somewhat the same way as London or Madrid within two years I will be totally surprised.

These are "radical" Muslims. Not the majority of their creed, just a tiny wacko fringe minority. They do not want to negotiate! They do not want to talk! They do not want Canada - or England, Australia, USA, etc. - as they are today to continue to exist! You have a mission in Afghanistan, and that is more than enough to move you up their list. You are a 'tolerant' nation, allowing all kinds of social activities they think are "abominations" to their social laws. They do not 'respect' your tolerances. For those they think your society is 'weak'. Your nation was founded by a Commonwealth that also fronts an identified Christian creed. You tolerate them living and hating you in your midst. For that you are asking to be slaughtered when they think they are ready to do so.

No matter the highest level of intentions, there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO to protect your loved ones and nation against them other than to go on the offensive and root out the scoundrels and cut them down.

Because your liberal rulers will not permit this to occur, you are doomed!

May God have mercy on the Queen's subjects.

Canadianna said...

I agree. Terrorists don't see western nations as a 'home' to respect, the see them as a base, to use.

*********************** said...

Angry sub-saharan africans are blowing up things, they are also fighting civil wars over stuff like this.

Not that I'm in anyway condoning these bombing, but what would you do if you were totally out-classed, and would almost certainly face an overwhelming defeat in an illegal war against your country and way of life?

Nobody stops to think about the 25,000 or so Iraqi civilians killed by the invading forces. What if your father was killed by an American??? What is you son or daughter or wife died from a stray missle??? What then??? Of course they're pissed of!! Of course they hate the people who did this to them. I don't think They have to try very hard to recruit.

As a side note, I have a friend who grew up in Iran during the 8 year war with Iraq. He remembers walking to school with bombers flying over his head. Who's war was this?? USA supporting Iraq, Russia, Iran. Two Christian nations using muslims as pawns. You wan't to talk about a holy war, you want to draw lines, start there.

Canada has in no way shown the aggression towards Iraq. We don't have troops in Iraq, and I honestly do not beleive having civilian contractors in the country is reason enough for them to attack us. The Al-Qaeda is not stupid, they've proved this, and I beleive they are smart enough to know that Canada is not only not a threat, but one of their only allies in the west.

Canada is a relativley small political power in a global perspective, and nothing will be gained from attacking us, it would only be a waste of time and resources. Since London, USA and Spain were all attacked to make a point, what point would be made from attacking Canada?

Canadianna said...

Hey Peg, your take on Canada is right.
As for the rest -- it can't be simplified quite so easily.