Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nice Guy? Please!

In the print edition of the National Post, the headline of Don Martin's column states:
He didn't get it: Politics is nasty
The online edition says -- Nice guys don't last in politics

Both are referring to Stephane Dion.

Gimme a break!

Martin goes on to say:
Like it or not, and I still think it was beneath him, but Prime Minister Stephen Harper's instant attack on the do-overs of Mr. Dion's bumbled CTV interview was blood sport politics at its finest and is credited for an overnight downturn in Liberal fortunes. By the time Mr. Dion got around to going dirty by repeatedly shouting "liar" at the Prime Minister, it sounded pathetically desperate.
Go back Mr. Martin -- read your paper from the first day of the election race. From the get-go, Dion called Harper a liar. Let's not pretend his animus was in response to anything. Dion broke from the gate calling the PM a liar. Throughout the campaign, he and his party equated Harper to the most hated man in the world, George Bush. Liar, quitter, classless, malevolent -- the name-calling was all one sided and all from the direction of the Liberal campaign. The Conservatives stuck with one issue -- Stephane Dion -- Not a leader, not worth the risk. It was right. Boo hoo.

All the pejorative adjectives thrown out in this campaign were tossed by either Stephane Dion or his attack dog, Elizabeth May. Is Martin so clueless that he doesn't 'get' that Dion and the Liberals planned that she'd do most of the rude and hostile, English mouthing off? But still, it isn't like Dion held back--he showed hostility, arrogance and he spewed vitriol every time he mentioned Harper's name. And yet he gets labelled a 'decent guy' and a 'nice guy' by the press.
What were they watching during those six weeks?

Harper never once name-called. During the debate, he was the only leader to display manners and courtesy, despite the attacks being levelled on him. He sat and listened as Ms May called him incompetent, accused him of not being able to read, suggested that his only good quality is that she's fairly certain he loves his kids -- despite being a bad enough PM to possibly be intentionally destroying the future of their country, and berating him for not making chit-chat with her at some dinner.

Stephane Dion is whining. Throughout the campaign, he whined. He's a whining, crybaby loser who hasn't learned to take responsibility for himself.

Who's the nice guy?



Anonymous said...

Of course Don has no comments at the end of that bunch of hogwash.

First of all - blaming Harper because Dion screwed up in an interview and a media outlet decided to air it is ridiculous and shows how Don and his ilk try to frame Harper as a big meanie (um isn't that just what you and Dion are accusing Harper of doing to Dion - come on Don - look in the mirror).

For him to even suggest that the first time Dion got into the game was after that interview by calling Harper a liar is - well- a lie!

Don Martin is a left wing journalist - I still remember the documentary after the 2004 election where he was jumping up and down with glee at the discovery of the Randy White tape while he joked with Scott Reid.

It was then that I realized that Don Martin is a partisan journalist and everything he writs is colored red. For him to make the statements he did in this most recent column proves it.

It was the same as his telling us that the PM didn't care about Canadians during the economic crisis and that he didn't get it - all the while - Harper's year end interviews were sitting in the vaults of every paper and every news media where he did predict it and he did have a plan - it was the opposition and the media (yes, you Don) that called him pessimistic.

So if we want to look at lies being presented - we have to look no further than our Canadian media like Don Martin.

Canadianna - I hope you email him your column and all the comments that his idiot piece of tripe garnered. He needs to know that his lies are exposed.

Doug said...

I'm pretty sure most of us saw Dion for what he was, a man that would sell his very soul to be Prime Minister. Desperate, egotistical, might I add weird to a much longer list of adjectives to describe this guy. Don Martin and the other clowns in the MSM can try putting another face on it but, it's just doesn't work any more. Maybe in Quebec but the ROC seems to be able to see through the spin and certainly the bloggers are having a greater influence on any propaganda by the media.

macdouk said...

Look how Dion delt with CTV reporter Smith on Election night, stating that CTV is the last News agency he wants to speak with and using a body guard to manhandle that reporter. In know time ,Lloyd Robertson was apologizing for Dion and telling us what a decsent man he is and that it must be the stress that he is under.Don Martin is just one of the hundreds of anti- Conservative,partisan, journalists employed by the MSM.

wilson said...

''Dion broke from the gate calling the PM a liar''

Dion started that in parliament, before the election.
The Libs used parliament for all their free mudslinging ads, unimpeded by the Speaker.

Then there is the little defamation suit, Lib website stating PMSH knew and condoned illegal activities.

Dion and his mery band of idiots definitely did try (free ads) charactor assassination on Harper, long before the election.

'Not a leader' worked,
because it was the truth.

The charactor assassination of Dion, came right from within, all those Liberal 'sources', both anonymous and public. And the msm, like D Martin were all too happy to report unnamed sources to smear Dion.

Calgary Junkie said...

"Like it or not, and I still think it was beneath him, but Prime Minister Stephen Harper's instant attack on the do-overs of Mr. Dion's bumbled CTV interview was blood sport politics at its finest and is credited for an overnight downturn in Liberal fortunes."

It's hard to tell who is more mediocre--Dion at playing the political game, or Martin for analysing it. The number one reason Harper himself commented on Dion's do-over interview was to give the story legs. Harper tossed the ball back to Dion (thru the media), by forcing him to comment on Harper's
"1.5 trillion dollar economy" comment. If left up to the Liberal-friendly media types, Dion's interview story would have been a one-day wonder. It was imperative for the Tories to keep the story going. And what better way than to have Harper do his dramatic, airport terminal interview.

It's unbelievable that Martin is this clueless.

Hoarfrost said...

Don Martin's nose is out of joint because the Harper Conservatives won't leak anything to him. We need to continue shutting him out.