Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Arts smarts? I think not

Writer Yann Martel is getting worldwide press about his campaign to get more federal arts funding by sending books to Stephen Harper. The first parcel Harper is scheduled to receive is "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Russian author Leo Tolstoy.

It's a cute idea really and has obviously garnered attention, which I guess is the point.

A couple of questions though.

If a Canadian author is trying to solicit funding from the Prime Minister of Canada, why is he using a Russian writer to do it? Aren't there examples of fine Canadian writing that might just as easily open Mr. Harper's eyes to the joys of 'art'?

And secondly, how much government funding do you figure Tolstoy received in order to complete this, or any other of his celebrated works?



Anonymous said...

Martel should get a day job like the rest of us schmoes. I'm tired of paying the salary of assholes like him.

Lemon said...

what a pompous little prig.
Why don't we all send him copies of economic textbooks so that he can expand his understanding of the facts of this science. Or how about books on narcissism.

Blazingcatfur said...

You know I might not feel so bad about art grants if the final results were not so predictably lame.

Anonymous said...

*snick* What a spectacle when hissy Blogging Tory clods address culture. Now poor Yann Martel is on the receiving end of their withering critique.

..oh, the humanity!

Canadianna said...

anonymous -- You must an example of Canadian arts funding.
It's obviously soooo worth it. I take it all back.

Anonymous said...

I've met him personally, and he is a pompous little ass, with very little work experience. He's a one book wonder, and the wonder is how that dumb book of his got the acclaim it did.

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous one:

I for one have a GG nomination. Would you care to rephrase your cliched spiel about "clods" in my presence?

Anonymous said...

He used to be a house mate when I was at Trent and he was the definitive socialist artbag then ....no change there so...

Chris said...

It would be kind of funny if Harper responded by sending him a letter reading

Dear Socialist Artsy Type,

If you have excess money to the point where you're able to devote it to mailing me books clearly you don't need additional funding.

Thanks for the free stuff,


Feynman and Coulter's Love Child said...
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Feynman and Coulter's Love Child said...

I suggest Martel send the following tomes to the Liberal and Dipper culture critics to keep things fair:

Breakup: Why the West Feels Left Out of Canada by Sharpe and Braid
King Ralph: The Ralph Klein Story by Don Martin
Our Home Or Native Land? by Melvin H. Smith
Think Big by Preston Manning
The Book of Ted: Episitles from an Unrepentant Redneck by Ted Byfield
The Face of the Tiger by Mark Steyn

Canadianna said...

chris, f & c love child -- brilliant and creative thoughts. And you had them without an arts grant!

Anonymous said...

Could someone please send Mr Martel a copy of 'Atlas Shrugged'.

Anonymous said...

I for one have a GG nomination. Would you care to rephrase your cliched spiel about "clods" in my presence?

I'll do better...you classless bitch.