Friday, September 19, 2008

While we're at it . . .

Jack Layton wants inspectors in every meat plant.
While we're at it, why don't we put a driving coach in every car -- just in case? How about a doctor in every schoolyard -- or better yet, tear down the playground equipment -- that way no one can fall off. What about making a helmet law -- everyone who has to cross a street must wear government approved CAS helmets. And maybe all new babies could be put in a nice plastic bubble so they wouldn't have to breathe in polluted air or ever get a cut or bruise -- maybe we could grandfather it and everyone could be protected!!!

Life is full of risks. Avoiding them by adding more bureaucracy is just paying an extra person who will be able to say "sorry" when something goes wrong, and it will because . . . humans make mistakes. What a shock, eh?



Anonymous said...

It's easy to figure this one out.

Can you say " Union's are us"

Linda said...

Mr. Layton continues to blame the outbreak on the government, saying the Conservatives want to let businesses do whatever they want without oversight.

Businesses that injure or kill their clients don't usually last too long in the marketplace. I'd call that a pretty good incentive for all but the most unscrupulous.

Anonymous said...

Umm... according to the media scrum I saw there are meat inspectors in every plant. One per plant. Huh?

Anonymous said...

Jack should be careful who he blames here, it was a union employee who was paid union wages to clean a meat slicer. The job was done substandardly and meat was left on the machine to contaminate future cuts of meat. short of sending every weiner to the Winnipeg micro-biology lab for testing it is up to the employee on the floor to do their job.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is where was the inspector?
Mapeleaf meats said they had "re-accuring outbreaks" on that line and would clean it and use it again
as per standard procedure.
I would imagine this is all documented, so where was the inspector?
Even if all he did was check the paper work, he failed in his duty by not picking this up.
Why is no-one questioning the inspector on why he never caught this in the documentation?
And Jack wants more job fer lifers.

Anonymous said...

The safety nazis love to use any tragedy as a bully pulpit. 'If we all where helmets, seatbelts, condoms, (what else?) we will all live forever.

Anonymous said...

Layton's proposal to have a commissioner of some sort to protect us from 'gouging at the pumps', has become quiet since hurricane Ike did not cause the devastation of the refining sector feared in the Houston area.
BUT, where is Jack when we really need him? Due to some strange meterological phenomena called global cooling, as in frost, it seems that the poor little lemon tree blossoms got frosted and cannot be pollinated thus no fruits. This just didn't happen in Florida, but in South America too. The end result, a world wide lemon shortage and now, whenever a few do become available, those capitalist lemon merchants are gouging us with a 300 % price increase. C'mon Jack, get off your backside and get us Lemon Gouge Protection. You should be able to easily find a Lemon Commissioner what with all of those really sour members that you have in your caucus, maybe Dawn Black? Maybe old Sven Robinson has finished doing his time and would come out of retirement for such a sweet, err, sour job?
And because you are such a progressive fellow, always looking after hard working Canadian families, how about a plan to subsidize Canadian lemon farmers and their workers growers, to increase lemon production to fill that market void. And at the same time develop Green(yellow) Canadian jobs with low CO2 emitting lemon production. There is lots of new land becoming available in the Arctic with all of the global warming, probably it is ideal for socialist lemon orchards.


Raging Ranter said...

Remember just a couple years back when, first the Liberals, then the Conservatives vowed to fight against tougher cattle testing rules that the US was demanding? This was during and immediately after the mad cow disease issue when the US had closed their border to our cattle. Now the Liberals and Dippers are expressing the appropriate outrage about our lax inspection standards. Good thing the public has no memory for these things.