The Canada Games, you ask?
You'd be forgiven if you didn't know that Canada's elite young athletes are up North representing their provinces in speed skating, skiing, hockey etc. If it weren't for my niece, I wouldn't even know the Canada Games exist, which makes me wonder why the government of Canada and the provincial governments aren't doing more to promote this showcase of young talent.
This would be a perfect opportunity to show how 'ParticipAction' can pay off -- or they could just promote the Canada Games because these kids have worked so hard to get where they are in the sports they love. The provinces these young people represent would do well to show their pride before and during the competitions -- not just in the case of a win.
I've often wondered where our Olympic competitors come from -- what route did they take to make it to the top of their sport? Here is one of the stepping stones to the Olympic dream and how many Canadians will know about it, let alone watch? Why is there so little in the news about these high achievers?
A lot of these kids are like my niece. They have dedicated their lives to pursuing their dream and yet they also excel academically and personally. Lisa, for example has an average above 90% in her final year of high school and is heading to the US on a full hockey scholarship next year. We hear so much about the bad kids -- I'd like to hear someone in the media or government talking a bit about these good ones.
Tune in if you can. The Games started on the 23rd and go right through until March 10th. TSN is showing some of the events and so is APTN.
Lisa and Team Ontario play Newfoundland on Monday, and PEI on Wednesday. I can't see that either game will be televised in the Toronto area (I've checked both TSN and APTN listings for next week and they're showing other games, but not Ontario). If anyone notices listings for Ontario Women's Hockey, please post in the comment section.
These kids deserve the glory these couple of weeks will bring. They represent our hope for Canada's future. They are ambitious, talented and committed young people, and you shouldn't have to be a family member to know that they're out there, working hard and representing their home provinces. Canada should be watching.
Go Ontario!
2nd EDIT: See Sheila Copps in today's SUN.
EDIT: candace has pointed out that I had missed some coverage -- and apparently the government was well represented at the games (apologies).
I guess the fact is that the coverage is there, but it's one of those things you don't see unless you're looking for it. I've only been flipping through the papers lately, and often I have only one ear on the TV during the news -- assuming most people are like me, they might not be aware.
Glad to see that it isn't as buried as I thought. Thanks Candace for the heads up.
I guess you missed this on Friday?
Good luck to your niece!
Thanks Candace -- Yes, I did miss it. But is it anywhere else besides TSN? I haven't noticed beyond the sports pages and even then it's in short supply.
Thanks for pointing this out though. I guess it isn't that the politicians are lax, it's just what the press decides to put up front.
I'm glad you posted the link. I'm going to put it on the front page.
Wow, that focussed look is reminiscent of a Roberto Luongo or a Martin Brodeur!
I fear my home province doesn't stand a chance!
Good Luck.
I think I first saw it on CTV as I don't normally watch or google TSN, but it fell off the pages pretty quickly.
They're on CBC tomorrow morning.
djeffery -- Thanks so much!
How'd she do? And how you doin'?
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