Friday, June 24, 2005

Slinging arrows

I think what bothers me about this Parliament, and the media coverage of it is the focus by pundits about what the Conservatives aren't doing right.

Has there ever been so much scrutiny of an opposition party, even within a minority government?

I'm not suggesting that the Conservatives shouldn't be looked at, it's just the lengths commentators are willing to go . . . for example --

Last night on CPAC after the vote a reporter went around guaging reaction from Monte Solberg, then Stephen Harper. Harper seemed frustrated, but answered a few questions politely.

When Harper had moved away from the press, this reporter found a Liberal (forget his name) and chatted with him a few minutes, giving him puffball questions about the Conservatives. Finally the reporter told the MP about a scenerio he'd heard which he described as Machiavellian in nature. The scenerio had the Conservatives intentionally telegraphing their plans for the budget vote, and then deliberately having members absent so they vote would pass. Their reasoning would have been to be able to paint the Liberals as in bed with the Bloc and ready to make deals with anyone, blah, blah, blah.

The reporter suggested he didn't believe it, and even the Liberal sort of shrugged and seemed confused as to why this was being asked.

Once suggestions like this are made publicly, there are people watching who will just remember the words Conservative and Machiavellian being linked in a budget vote.

On another note -- I dropped by Rick Mercer's blog yesterday expecting something interesting or funny.

Isn't it hilarious that Rick Mercer bought to 'show' Jason Kenney. Remember Kenney suggested that Don Boudria was at fault that his name was taken for a website by an anti-same-sex marriage group. Kenney said Boudria should have remembered to register his domain name.

Mercer, with his usual scintillating wit, decided to turn the tables . . . only and are both registered -- to, guess who -- that's right, Jason Kenney.
So Mercer with extra eager cleverness, went the extra mile registered -- why that silly Jason Kenney, he only registered two variations of his name. It might never have occurred to him that someone looking for an MP would use the 'org' extention, but then he doesn't have Mercer's rapier sense of humour. Wow, that clever Rick Mercer showed him.

Mercer is the same guy who started a petition to change Stockwell Day's name to Doris.

He gets a government paycheque to be funny. Maybe that explains why he's not.



VW said...

A couple of points:

1) To be labelled as "machiavellian" would actually be a step up for the Conservatives. Right now they have a reputation for screwing up a sure chance, or being too naive in their machinations, to run a government.

2) Mercer's prank depended very greatly on Kenney's reaction to the news. Apparently, it backfired:

"It's funny, I think it's hilarious," Kenney, a Calgary MP, said Wednesday.

He said that given his comments to Boudria, he thought Mercer's ploy was fair game.

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander," he said.

A Tory MP who can laugh at himself is always worth re-election. Hell, any politician who can laugh at himself is worthy of re-election.

alsocanadian said...

What I don't get is why these MSM guys feel the need to have blogs?!?
Cake and eat it too?!?
I think I'll start my own prime time TV show...

Canadianna said...

vw - I'm glad Kenney found it funny. I hadn't read that.
As for Machiavellian being a step up -- I hope not. There are sinister implications in that word. I would rather lose with integrity, than win through manipulation.

AlsoCanadian -- If you get a gig, be sure to invite me to the set.

Mentally Challenged -- glad to see you. I've been to your site a few times. Can't do your trivia, it's too hard.
My concern is the focus. In my limited memory of governments prior to 1993, the opposition (even in a minority parliament) was not scrutinized to the level that any conservative opposition has been since Chretien came to power.
Think about previous governments. When Clark was PM (as brief as it was) did the media worry about the Liberal platform? Did they even care ? Did they question the personality of the leader?
I don't disagree that much of what they are saying is fair, or correct. I just think they should focus on the governing party the way the media has done in the past, and really, the way it is warrented now.
They are making every day as though it is part of an election campaign. I'm not saying they shouldn't report or comment on Conservative actions, but it shouldn't dominate the op-ed pages.

Les Mackenzie said...

I supported Stockwell but I thought that Doris thing was pretty funny :D Looks like Rick's gone downhill from there.

Paul said...

You know, I find this all quite obscene. The press can get a group of 4 or more talking heads together any time and slice and dice Harper or the CPC. Yet, time and time again, after the PM lies, or another scandalous process comes to light, they sigh, take an obligatory shot, then go back at the CPC.

The past months have revealed, for all to see, the incredible bias in the MSM, where shamelessly, the networks spew their garbage. And, what is the result; even conservatives begin to believe it. If the MSM shone the spotlight on the PMO, only 20% as much as it does on the Harper CPC, we'd see poll results that'd have the CPC heading into a majority. But, Harper is not Central Canadian establishement, so the Liberal MSM are as frightened of him as the establishment are.

I only ask that Conservatives realize that many of their talking poinst are MSM inspired; and that is truly a shame. Take out the emotion, take out the right and wrong, and look at the MSM behavior completely objectively and you'll see exactly what I mean. The CPC are getting roasted over flees, while the Liberals get away with gorillas.

Candace said...

I've always enjoyed Mercer's rants, and can live with his current site. If you look today, his current post is not what I would call overly sympathetic to Harper, but he's not overly kind to Martin either.

But you're so right about the dissection of every move the CPC makes. Enough already!